The Collab Summer STEAM Camp

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The Collab Summer STEAM camp is designed to engage youth in the 6th-12th grade in a fun and enriching way. The camp will incorporate all the disciplines of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

If you’re looking for a way to keep your child engaged and learning over the summer, while also sparking their creativity and curiosity, then a STEAM camp might be the perfect option!

Through August 2, 2024
9am – 3pm (Monday-Friday.)

The Skills Center
5107 N. 22nd. St.
Tampa, FL

Please review and complete the registration form below. REGISTRATION DATA IS USED TO MAINTAIN FUNDING TO PROVIDE THIS FREE PROGRAM.

Summer STEAM Camp

Summer STEAM Camp

Student Information

Student's Name
Student's Name
Free or Reduced Priced Lunch
Student Ethnicity
Student Nationality
Parent/Guardian's Name
Parent/Guardian's Name
Which COLLAB programs are you interested in enrolling?

Registration data is used for the purposes of maintaining funding to provide this pre-program.

Household Income
Number of persons living in the household


I give my child permission to participate in The Skills Center Collaborative’s programs and youth focus groups. I understand that my child will participate in in person, virtual and/or online self- pace programming. Your child will be expected to complete surveys and participate in focus groups around how to better provide services to youth people and the type of program/services of their interest.

I give permission for my child to participate in The Skills Center Collaborative's program

As part of this pilot program, we plan to assess and support your child’s academic success and would like permission to gather the following data when needed during the program about your child from Hillsborough County Public Schools or their charter/private school. We are requesting access to one or more of the following records: report card, progress report, test score, GPA, behavioral, attendance, and/or IEP.

Federal Law (FERPA) requires us to keep educational
information about your child private. We will keep your child’s records private by not sharing with anyone outside of our programs, locking/password protected
files in file cabinets when not in use. We will only use the educational data for the purposes explained and we will not save any individually identifiable educational data for your child.

I consent to release my child’s education data

I understand that even when every reasonable precaution is taken, accidents can sometimes still happen. I understand the risk to my child participating in programs in the age of COVID-19 and take full responsibility to ensuring that he/she adheres to the CDC’s safety guidelines on communicable diseases as well as the rules and regulations at The Skills Center. I understand and expressly acknowledge that I release The SKILLS CENTER, INC., as well as all other partners, and their staff members from all liability for any injury, sickness, loss or damage connected in any way whatsoever to participation in The SKILLS CENTER COLLABORATIVE’S program activities whether on or off the program and partners’ premises.

I understand that at the discretion of program supervisor and/or staff my child may be dismissed from the program, for inappropriate behavior and displaying symptoms of Covid-19 or other communicable diseases.

I give permission to us photographs and/or video of my child in publications, news releases, online and in other communications related to the mission of The Skills Center Collaborative and its partners.

I understand and give permission


I understand that if a medical emergency occurs The Skills Center and/or its partners will contact me first, then the emergency contact person designated. If necessary, I authorize the Skills Center to arrange immediate medical treatment for my child’s health and safety. I will be financially responsible for all charges and fees incurred in the rendering of said treatment.

I understand that if my child uses an EpiPen or inhaler, they must bring with them to all programs.

I understand and give permission

If you'd like to register more than one child, click the + button to add another entry.